The Zeppelin and the Unicorn Antiques is located in North Wilmington, Delaware. We are easy to get to from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Directions from Wilmington and South
- I-95 North toward Chester / Philadelphia
- At exit 9, take ramp right toward Marsh Rd
- Turn left onto Carr Rd
- Cross Marsh Road
- Turn right onto Silverside Rd
- We are the big red barn on the right side
Directions from Philadelphia and North
- I-95 South toward Wilmington
- At exit 9, take ramp left onto Marsh Rd (Under I-95 overpass)
- Turn left onto Carr Rd
- Turn right onto Silverside Rd
- We are the big red barn on the right side
Directions from West Chester
- US-202 South toward Wilmington
- Turn left onto Silverside Rd for about 5 miles
- Cross Carr Road
- We are the big red barn on the right side